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Traditional crafts of Japan (230 items of traditional crafts Certified by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry / Traditional craftwork certified by Government agencies of prefectures and municipalities / Regional special products reflecting Japanese technology, culture and tradition) will commercialize and sell in Tokyo 2020 for official license commercialization.
As a specialized licensee of traditional craft items, we cooperate with “47CLUB Co., Ltd.” (headquarters location: Tokyo) and establish “traditional craft room” within the Tokyo 2020 Licensing Office.And, they will do all the work together together with the Tokyo 2020 Organizing Committee, related to the product license agreement and the commercialization procedure.
Organization and Manufacturers of Japanese Traditional Crafts and the regional specialty products manufacturers who request to commercialize official licenses will propose desired items and sales plans to Tokyo 2020 Organizing Committee. After that, the secretariat will discuss the conditions of commercialization and sales plans.The finished product will be sold through the distribution channel of the business, the distribution channel of the Tokyo 2020 Licensing Office secretariat of traditional crafts, the Tokyo 2020 Official Shop, etc.
Anda Bicara